Start systematic problem solving all by yourself
With systematic problem solving, you will reach the solution in a quick, sure and least cost way following a path that usually is not conventional.
It's sure that you can reach the right solution to your problem with no doubt in your mind. You are not helpless. You have your own inherent problem solving abilities you may not be aware of. Everyone has.
For solving a problem that is out of reach, you will always find a problem solving troubleshooter. Don't we go to doctors when we fall sick? You just have to find the right person who will guide you out of your trouble. We have told such a true story in the Real life problem solving article How to Find the troubleshooter to solve a grave real life problem.
This is similar to your first Paragliding experience when you jump off a 2000 feet high rock shelf into free space. There will be someone with you just like the Paragliding pilot accompanying you in your first free fall jump.
Learn from how you solved your earlier problems and learn from others. Enormous information reserve is now available on the Internet on hints, practices and knowledge for practical use about any issue. The more you involve yourself in solving your own problems, as well as problems of people around you, your problem solving ability will get stronger. Just like honing any other skill, practice solving problems, learning all the way.
In solving problems, process of problem solving is the key element. Usually we never look back to analyze how we solved a particular problem in the past.
Once you get hold of a process for solving a problem - understand it, clarify it in your mind, improve upon it and then apply it with full confidence next time such a problem arises.
When facing a problem, keeping calm, thinking analytically and objectively are critically important. Repeated use of problem solving skills will give you confidence and calmness.
If you do go for your first Paragliding, you will never forget the wonderful experience of jumping off into space overcoming your initial fear in a few minutes, and finally, after a while, safely landing back to the ground. The same way, start solving any problem you face with no fear of failure whatsoever.
After all, if you stop to think, types of problems that we face in our individual lives are not too many. Each of us lives in our own customized world where infinite types of problems won't occur.
Just start enriching your own problem solving knowledge and in due time you will be able to face most of the problems in your life with confidence. It is very well within your reach.
In this space, that's what we pursue - understanding problem solving process and how to apply the knowledge of problem solving systematically. This is the discipline of systematic problem solving.
Solve Real life problems to Math problems: and Explore
We love math problems as well as real world problems. Problem solving and exploring new thought areas are the threads woven through everything here. Systematic, analytical, inventive and critical thinking work as main ingredients.
In Problem Solving you will find all articles on the subject. Problem solving tools, techniques, skill-sets, and real world stories - all make this collection effective and useful in practical life. Recent addition of Subcategory on Health should be useful to you. You may get a taste of it in the article on Sleep: Reconnect with Nature for Better Sleep and Improved Well-being.
As inventive thinking in radically new way is necessary for solving tough problems, we have created a category of articles on Innovation under Problem solving.
To expand scope, we have introduced an important new section Explorations. Future will see lots of new useful, relevant and interesting woks here. You may get a taste in its first article: In Search of a Bit of Soil: The Source of Life on Earth.
Solving problems on special subject areas such as Maths, needs knowing the basic concepts which form the foundation. To help learning basic concepts quickly we have created the category of comprehensive articles in Basics.
To help students in the major problem of cracking the major competitive exams, we have created question sets and detailed solution sets for leading competitive tests in Exams section for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, UGC/CSIR Net Maths for Bio-Science PhD aspirants. Of special mention is Efficient Math Problem Solving. where lightning quick solutions for varieties of Math MCQ questions using highly effective math problem solving techniques are explained using carefully selected example questions.
To consolidate foundational concepts on maths, comprehensive school level maths is covered School math. At present it contains NCERT Solutions for class 10 maths. You will find it in Exams section.
Most popular and easiest way to learn systematic problem solving
Brain teasers contain the fun and growing part attracting more interest. It contains easy to hard popular puzzles with step by step solutions using new problem solving techniques. The unique solutions will help thinking in systematic and and inventive ways.
From our large collection of interesting puzzles enjoy: Maze puzzles, Riddles, Mathematical puzzles, Logic puzzles, Number lock puzzles, Missing number puzzles, River crossing puzzles, Ball weighing puzzles and Matchstick puzzles.
The problem solving techniques used are general enough to be applied effectively in other areas - Real life problems to Math problems.
Books category shows publishing news of books by SureSolv authors. It is an important part as here only, the specially powerful problem solving techniques used are explained separately and concisely.
Sudoku category starts with games and solutions at beginner level Sudoku and goes on to explain solution to some of the hardest Sudoku games at fourth level and expert level of hardness. You can find it under Variety.
You may enjoy Insightful pieces in Reflections under Variety.
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