How to solve a hard number system question for CAT confidently and quickly 8
Number system puzzle problem 8: Leftmost digit of a natural number at least 7 digits long is 3. When it is dropped, number becomes one-fifth...Read on.
Number system puzzle problem 8: Leftmost digit of a natural number at least 7 digits long is 3. When it is dropped, number becomes one-fifth...Read on.
Number system puzzle problem 7: Cube of a number exceeds its product with two other numbers by 2, the cube of the second number is less than...Read on.
Solve hard CAT Number system problem 6: Product of a 2 digit number and number formed by reversing digits of the first is 2430. Find smaller number.
Number System Puzzle Problem 5: If 495 is subtracted from a 3 digit number with its digits reversed, you get the original number. Sum of digits...Read on.
Learn how to solve number system puzzle problem 4 in 1 min: The sum of thousands and tens digits in a 4 digit number is 4, the sum of hundreds...Read on.
Solve Hard CAT Number System Problem 3 in 2 mins: Denominator of a fraction is less than the square of the numerator by 1. If 2 is added to both...Read on.
Solve number system puzzle problem 2 in 90 secs: What 2 digit number is less than sum of squares of its digits by 11 and exceeds their doubled product by 5?
The hardest geometry question from math extension 2 exam paper in NSW HSW 2018 test in Australia solved step by step and each step clearly explained.
This geometry question from math extension 2 exam paper in NSW HSW 2019 test in Australia was reported as very hard. Its systematic solution is explained.
Define and structure the problem clearly, use your basic time and work concepts and apply math reasoning. Solve breaking down the whole into smaller parts.