Turn the table inventively: Use the negative force as a positive one
In a difficult problem situation, use the negative force as a positive one to inventively achieve great success that all thought impossible.
Inventive principle of using a negative force as a positive resource: Reverse the nagative inventive principle
In real life problem solving, occasionally, an element commonly perceived as negative by most people, may be used inventively as a positive resource.
Debt as a powerful financial instrument: Examples
- Debt is commonly perceived as negative, something generally looked down upon. But in modern finance, debt has gradually been transformed to become a must-have part of any business as well as any personal life in some countries.
- Credit cards create personal debt and is used in most of the advanced nations as a part of life to enhance the living style, whereas businesses to grow must ultimately take loans from financial institutions and finally more affluent nations forward loans to less endowed nations towards development and creating national debt.
- When the debtor goes into debt for creating new activities with the potential for earning substantially more than the interest on debt, it is used inventively.
That way, in most situations debt may have positive impact, though perceived in not so far back as a thing that should be avoided.
- In today's world, finance geniuses have turned debt into a extremely potent inventive instrument for furthering business interests of the creditor giving the debt.
- A successful business uses debt as a positive resource for achieving much more than the cost of debt.
Alert: Debt is not an inert negative element, it is highly reactive, and if not controlled can surely turn into a destroyer.
A person known to comment critically and transparently
You must be able to recall such a person whom you know. The critique will never sweeten his words to soften the blows. Also, he may never dilute a praise for something that it deserves.
Interesting part is, you will notice that such a person is generally avoided—none really wants to hear the unvarnished naked stark truth.
- Essentially the person or just this penchant of his for speaking his mind is considered a negative element.
But if you are starting a new venture to produce some item for personal satisfaction as a passion, pastime or business, the critical friend as the first beta tester can be used so very well for knowing the quality of your product.
- Critical assessment is one of the main elements in selling all types of goods online.
- Specific example is a purchase that you would make in the online marketplace today. Won't you carefully go through the reviews, critical or praising?
- A neutrally transparent critic can have a great value as a kind of touchstone or assaying (evaluation) instrument.
If you look around now with awareness, you would surely discover many such entities.
Thomas Alva Edison is generally considered as the greatest innovator of all times. He achieved possibly a thousand odd innovations but had a great number of failed attempts as well.
When someone tried to pull his leg saying something like, "How can we consider your works as successes. You have failed thousands of times." Edison's reply would be quoted for long time to come,
- "I have learned how not to take thousands of wrong paths."
Most of us have experienced failures, sometimes heartbreaking and crushing, occasionally not creating much of a pain. Failures are part of life, human or otherwise.
- Because of the fear of the adverse potential experiences of failure, it is disliked and classified by all as a negative element.
- But the truth in all cases is, with the right frame of mind, every failure is an invaluable source of learning and opportunity. A failure has the capacity of bringing a great positive change to the life of the failed. If you are that one, you have used your failure as a powerful innovative resource to change your life, no less.
We all know the commonly used phrase,
- Failure is a pillar of success.
Unless you fail you won't learn and grow up.
- Toddlers while starting to walk fall often and from each fall learn how to walk properly.
- Heart breaks at young age happens to most though every time the heartbroken believes to be the only one who have so suffered. With right elements, the heartbroken grow up learning the hard way how to choose right, if not get the true love.
In all areas and walks of life, there are different types of failures and in all such cases a failure acts as a negative resource.
- Though it cannot be denied that occasionally, a failure can ultimately cause the death of the failed, an individual or an organization, rarely the failed reach that stage. That's why we say, as long as you have breath, you have a chance.
- Those with right frame of mind can turn a failure to a greatly positive resource almost always.
With this abstraction and generalization, even illnesses can be classified as negative elements and hence potentially positive resources.
Naturally the question comes up, how can an illness become a positive resource?
Trying to answer this very relevant question, let's dive deeper.
When ill, the first thing that you do is to cure the illness by consulting a doctor and taking medicines. Not always you move one step more and ask yourself,
- Proactive question: What if the illness recurs? Has it been cured permanently?
Then the more revealing question,
- The why question: Why did the illness happen in the first place? What are the causes for the illness? And finally at this point the illness waits patiently to be turned into a positive resource.
This happens when going still deeper you ask,
- How to make the illness a positive resource: How can we change or remove the CAUSES of the illness completely? Would it be possible to gain a much better health by following a suitable procedure and Lifestyle change?
- At this point the possibility of negativity of illness transforming to a positive resource comes alive.
The idea is not theoretical.
A good example of my Yoga trainer
The last I saw my talented Yoga trainer, he was not giving enough attention to his own fitness and astonishingly, acquired flab. Then he got COVID in a very bad way. After he came out of the life threatening sickness, he completely changed his lifestyle, and in a few months not only reversed the ill effects of COVID, he transformed himself to a fully fit immensely energetic person.
A real life example of how harshly negative remarks worked wonders in performance
The 24 year old girl from a good family just had lost her father. The girl somehow finished the last rites of her departed father after 4 months of grueling struggle to bring him back home. That was 25th February.
Next day she called her mentor sobbing uncontrollably, barely intelligible, "All my relatives are telling me I will fail in the exam. My Part II final graduate honours exam starts on 3rd April."
Even the mentor thought it a tough task. Normally, her upcoming final exam performance couldn't have been any good.
The heartless remarks of her relatives predicting her failure changed her mental attitude: Why can't I go ahead thinking of NOT SUCCESS or FAILURE, but with the knowledge that there is just the job is to be done in the best way possible.
- The negative remarks of her relatives changed her dejected attitude completely to a strong drive to succeed.
Just transforming a negative force to a positive one will never be enough for her. Hard, very hard, and organized smart work was needed to really achieve what is thought to be impossible. She worked hard immersively, intelligently, with common sense planning and organization, not blindly,
- Not constantly weighed down by the anxiety whether the time is running out.
- Without thinking about success or failure that waits for you at the end.
- Keeping nothing vague. Always measuring results of her work.
- Working in small incremental steps.
A lot of innovation went into the new processes of her preparation.
The young distraught girl was ecstatic when her exam results were published, she had done even better than earlier exams.
- It is a certainty that the negative force of the utterly demoralizing comments of her relatives were transformed in her mind to a great positive force pushing her forward against all odds to achieve what everyone thought impossible, and what she didn't achieve earlier under normal circumstances.
- In this process she did in fact change her normal way of exam preparation, continuously taking measures to increase her throughput, her energy so on and so forth. Together a very positive result of using a negative force inventively as a strong positive force.
This is only one of the many real life examples of transforming a negative force to a positive force.
End note
Artwork of the banner image was created by a creative artist unknown to us.
But the innovative element of turning the relative ignominy of standing on the 3rd place on the podium to the totally positive status cannot but earn our high appreciation. And this sparked the idea of exploring how a nagative element can be changed to a greatly positive one.
To our surprise we found the inventive Reverse the Negative Principle to be really powerful in turning despair into happiness in real life.