Move 2 sticks to make 5 closed shapes matchstick puzzle
Move 2 matches to form 5 matchstick shapes of squares, triangles or rhombuses. How many such new figures can you make? Total recommended time 10 minutes.
Move 2 matches to form 5 matchstick shapes of squares, triangles or rhombuses. How many such new figures can you make? Total recommended time 10 minutes.
Move 1 stick to make 4 matchstick shapes of triangles, squares or rhombuses. How many such new figures can you make? Recommended time 10 minutes.
Move 2 sticks to make 5 squares from the 6 squares matchstick puzzle figure. How many ways can you do it? You have 10 minutes to solve the puzzle.
Move 3 matches to make 4 squares from 5 squares in the matchstick puzzle figure. Time to solve 15 minutes. Give it a good try. It'll be fun.
Move 2 matches to make 4 squares in the matchstick puzzle figure. All squares will be similar. Time to solve 20 minutes. How many solutions can you find? Try. It will be fun.