Remove 2 matchsticks to leave 6 triangles puzzle
In this matchstick triangle puzzle you have to remove 2 matchsticks to reduce number of triangles from 8 to 6. How many ways can you do it? Time 30 mins.
In this matchstick triangle puzzle you have to remove 2 matchsticks to reduce number of triangles from 8 to 6. How many ways can you do it? Time 30 mins.
Move 3 matches to make 2 squares in matchstick puzzle figure. How many solutions can you find? Time to solve 5 minutes. It is a fun puzzle. Give it a try.
Move 3 matches to make 2 squares in 1st matchstick puzzle of this type. How many solutions can you find? Time limit 5 minutes. Give it a try. It'll be fun.
5 squares puzzle: move 8 sticks to make 2 squares in the 5 squares puzzle figure. How many ways can you solve the puzzle? You have 30 minutes to solve.
Move 3 matches to make 3 squares in the puzzle figure. How many solutions can you find? Time to solve 10 minutes. It's not a difficult puzzle and you should enjoy solving it...
Move 3 matches to make 4 squares from 5 squares puzzle figure. This is the 4th 5 squares matchstick puzzle of this type. You have to solve it in 10 minutes.
Move 2 sticks to make 5 squares from the 6 squares matchstick puzzle figure. How many ways can you do it? You have 10 minutes to solve the puzzle.
Kite Matchstick Puzzle: Move 5 matches to make the Kite dive down. This is a direction reversing puzzle that is not easy to solve in given time of 20 mins.
In the 5 squares matchstick puzzle figure you have to move 3 matchsticks to make 4 squares. You have 10 mins to solve this 3rd 5 squares matchstick puzzle.
Remove 4 sticks to leave 3 triangles in hexagonal wheel matchstick figure. Recommended time to solve 8 minutes. Hint: First solve remove 3 to leave 4.