How a real life problem is solved - to buy or not to buy a new washing machine
The washing machine needed body repair. We were now on the lookout for a reliable mechanic in the more general higher layer domain of metal body repair.
A problem solving technique shows a step by step sure way to solve a problem. It is a less abstract and more realistic way towards solving a problem.
A few examples of problem solving techniques are:
Not all the techniques are very novel and innovative. For example, problem breakdown technique is a natural way to solve large problems that many of you have applied.
Among these though a few deserves special mention.
We consider domain mapping technique as one of the most powerful broad-scoped problem solving techniques that can be applied to achieve highly unexpected positive results.
These are all general problem solving techniques to be used in daily lives. Apart from these solving math problems or brain teasers constantly require discovery and application of new problem solving techniques.
As you may guess, there may be a very large number of problem solving techniques that are just waiting to be discovered and used in a given problem situation.
This uncertainty gives rise to the main foundation of problem solving.
The washing machine needed body repair. We were now on the lookout for a reliable mechanic in the more general higher layer domain of metal body repair.
In a problem that looks simple but somehow wrong and violates the commonly known concepts, power of abstraction may often overcome the apparently unknown and uncertain state and helps to reach the elegant solutions. On the way to the solution, usually a higher level rich concept is created the precise form of which was hidden just around the corner...
Anomaly detection by disproportion saved millions in my project. Learn how this technique can uncover hidden inefficiencies and solve a complex problem.
Interaction of inverses may involve an water dispenser, it may be oxygen gas you can't touch and see, it can be the emotion of anger, or a math problem.
We expect all things around us to be in proportion. The room where we sleep should not be too high or too low for maintaining our sleeping comfort. The road we walk on should be of same level all the way. These comfortable ranges are in proportion to our human body size and all normal human movement aspects.
My wife had severe chest congestion for long. How to get the right medicines urgently, needed persistent efforts searching new options late in the evening.
All things change. It is a certainty. But, the change itself can be used for solving many problems, academic or real life, faster.
In a problem with multiple parameters, identify the base to be equalized and its target value and equalize the bases. This is base equalizing technique.
Everyone involved told me emphatically, no way the problem can be solved. I had to ignore all and use disbelief and verification to reach a great solution.
If you focus on a single point, you may lose the broader perspective. After close look, take a look from a distance. Focus and defocus both are vital for...