An unexpectedly successful application of Consult the Expert technique
We often feel lost outside our expertise, like an academician unsure about pricing a prime old property. That's where consult the expert technique comes in.
A problem solving technique shows a step by step sure way to solve a problem. It is a less abstract and more realistic way towards solving a problem.
A few examples of problem solving techniques are:
Not all the techniques are very novel and innovative. For example, problem breakdown technique is a natural way to solve large problems that many of you have applied.
Among these though a few deserves special mention.
We consider domain mapping technique as one of the most powerful broad-scoped problem solving techniques that can be applied to achieve highly unexpected positive results.
These are all general problem solving techniques to be used in daily lives. Apart from these solving math problems or brain teasers constantly require discovery and application of new problem solving techniques.
As you may guess, there may be a very large number of problem solving techniques that are just waiting to be discovered and used in a given problem situation.
This uncertainty gives rise to the main foundation of problem solving.
We often feel lost outside our expertise, like an academician unsure about pricing a prime old property. That's where consult the expert technique comes in.
End analysis technique of problem solving often produces startlingly lucid solutions to math problems, brain teasers and even real life problems.
A delusion is a belief which is not true in reality. Usually delusions are of negative kind. Sometimes we may have delusions that are good. If we nurture...
Usually we take the first decision on the first event we see, then take the next and so on. But, working backwards technique often solves a problem quickly.
Logic analysis primarily deals with yes/no variables or questions. The core concept of this approach of limiting the number of final possible outcomes to only two makes this world of yes/no a certain world. Though attractive, logic analysis by itself is of little use in real world problem solving, as most of the parameters and criteria in real world problem solving have inherent subjectivity in them. But we may use logic analysis together with other problem solving resources and deductive reasoning to solve complex problems systematically...
We frequently use the term ‘logic’. People who use logic to back up their comments, decisions or actions are considered as logical. Sometimes this term is interchangeably used with the term ‘rational’. People who do not behave or act according to commonly accepted norms are termed as irrational. Human beings do not always follow stringent logic. Nevertheless ‘logic’ is a well-defined technical term; there is nothing vague in ‘logic’...