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Problem solving

Problem solving is solving any problem systematically at low cost. The thinking needed for systematic problem solving applies to solving any problem.

It is an open ended discipline of study for solving problems in academic or daily life not randomly but systematically and efficiently at low cost using a rich set of abstract tools and techniques.

These powerful tools and techniques are created from experience analysis and abstraction of usable resources spread over many subjects such as Management, Computer Science, Maths and so on. This approach enables us to apply a technique to solve a problem in Maths as efficiently as a complex business problem.


Real life problem solving: Help in solving varieties of real life problems through concepts and case stories.

Problem solving techniques: help to solve difficult problems quickly and elegantly.

Problem solving tools: are many and of varied power.

Problem solving skills: what are the essential problem solving skills and how to enhance the skills are discussed here.

Critical thinking: is an essential element for creating new ideas.

Recommended starting point

Article: Solve any problem yourself.

Problem solving personal rules

thumb problem solving rule

Personal problem solving rules are great aids in quick and assured real-life problem solving. In our routine decision making we use many generally known problem solving rules. But in some special occasions you solve a particularly difficult problem by analyzing and forming a special personal problem solving rule...

Use of problem solving rules

thumb problem solving rule

Highly efficient problem solving special rules are created from successful problem solving experiences.

During our lives we create useful rules that we have found to work well for us. Some of these rules are known to most people around, but when we believe in such a rule, we own it for personal use more effectively...

Complex logic analysis using problem breakdown and other techniques

thumb complex logic analysis problem breakdown

Logic analysis primarily deals with yes/no variables or questions. The core concept of this approach of limiting the number of final possible outcomes to only two makes this world of yes/no a certain world. Though attractive, logic analysis by itself is of little use in real world problem solving, as most of the parameters and criteria in real world problem solving have inherent subjectivity in them. But we may use logic analysis together with other problem solving resources and deductive reasoning to solve complex problems systematically...


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