How to solve difficult Surd Algebra problems in a few simple steps 4
How to solve difficult surds problems in a few simple steps explained by solving hand selected complex surds problems using suitable surds techniques.
How to solve difficult surds problems in a few simple steps explained by solving hand selected complex surds problems using suitable surds techniques.
Learn how to solve ratio and proportion mixture problems conceptually at lightning speed using basic concepts on mixture and alligation.
Learn how to solve mixture problems with two or more liquids mixed in given ratios. Basic ratio mixture concepts are explained by solving selected problems.
Chosen difficult algebra problems are solved quickly in very few steps. The problems are solved by no tricks, but easy algebra problem solving techniques.
Three difficult algebra problems solved to show how simple and intelligent solution methods work using eight techniques of intelligent problem solving.
A few hard algebra problems are solved quickly in a few simple steps. How to solve a hard algebra problem easily by problem solving techniques explained.
Simple, quick and intelligent solutions of time distance problems in a few steps are explained using two selected time and distance MCQ problems.
In man hour work problems, if 8 men work for 3 hours, 24 man hours work amount is done. Then it is easy to say 4 men are needed to do same work in 6 hours.
Time and work unitary method, Time and work formula, Improved work rate technique for working together and Time and work with 3 variables solved.
The student's intelligence is used for solving the second school math problem in far simpler steps compared to the complex conventional method of solution.