The 1000 Poisoned Wine Bottle Riddle
Find the poisoned wine bottle from 1000 similar wine bottles gifted to you using 10 test strips that change color when a drop of poisoned wine falls on it.
Find the poisoned wine bottle from 1000 similar wine bottles gifted to you using 10 test strips that change color when a drop of poisoned wine falls on it.
You have 10 coins all heads up. On your first turn, flip every coin. Next, flip every second coin, and so on. After 10 turns, which coins will be heads up?
You have 5 chains with 3 links each. Cut a link and close it to connect two chains. How many number of links you need to cut to make a circular chain?
An erroneous subtraction shows 789 - 456 = 123. It can be corrected by 3 pairs of digit interchanges (7, 3), (3, 4), and (9, 6). Can you correct it in 2?
A hare jumps over a 35 square grid starting from 1 never visiting a square twice. It jumps only vertically or horizontally. Place 5 jump counts...Read on...
A hare jumps over a 20-square grid. It continues jumping to an adjacent square up or down, never revisiting a square. Its 5th, 10th, 15th jumps...Read on...
This staircase riddle challenges your problem-solving skills by combining logical thinking with the concept of two-way movement on a staircase.
Place six numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in six circles as in the figure. Only condition is: no two consecutive numbers can be placed in two connected circles.
Three cards, a king, a queen and a nine are face down on a table. One a spade, one a club and one a diamond, not necessarily in the same order...Read on...
Three men with different skin colors wearing color matched shoes swapped their shoes, each now wearing shoes of the other two. How to know what each wore?