Odd Numbered and Even Numbered Piles Riddle
Split a pile of coins numbered 1 to 8 into odd numbered and even numbered piles of coins in two of the five slots without placing a coin on a smaller one.
Split a pile of coins numbered 1 to 8 into odd numbered and even numbered piles of coins in two of the five slots without placing a coin on a smaller one.
Cross the stream from first bank to second by stepping on the 8 stones. Visit second bank twice and first bank once more. Cross in minimum number of steps.
In ten barrel face number riddle, rearrange ten barrels in a pyramid so that sum of face numbers of four barrels on each outer side is equal and minimum.
Two circles and a line riddle: Can you traverse all parts of the puzzle figure without lifting your pencil or crossing a line? Time to solve: 15 minutes.
Join the nine dots in a 3-by-3 grid by 4 straight lines without raising the pencil. Solve in 30 mins. Learn how to solve the tough puzzle from the solution.
12 guests in a dinner party, 4 couples and 4 persons without spouses, shake hands with each other except their spouses. How many handshakes were there?
Knight and Calculator Keypad Riddle: Find valid 10 digit numbers by the knight moves on calculator keypad. Visit every digit once only. Solve in 15 mins.
Four hunters bagged four animals each with a point score. Total 18 points scored and you are given clues to find number of animals bagged. Time 15 mins.
A devotee visits three temples each with 100 steps. He puts 1 rupee coin on each step going up, coming down and offers half he has to deity. Read on...
The player who picks up the last lot of matchsticks in a depleted 36 match pile wins. Each of two player picks up 1, 3 or 5 matches alternately. Who wins?