Devotee and Three Temples Riddle
A devotee visits three temples each with 100 steps. He puts 1 rupee coin on each step going up, coming down and offers half he has to deity. Read on...
A devotee visits three temples each with 100 steps. He puts 1 rupee coin on each step going up, coming down and offers half he has to deity. Read on...
The player who picks up the last lot of matchsticks in a depleted 36 match pile wins. Each of two player picks up 1, 3 or 5 matches alternately. Who wins?
Riddle of four coins touching: place four circular coins on a table touching each other such a way that if you place a 5th coin it'll touch all others.
Burning two ropes each of which takes exactly 1 hour to burn fully, you have to measure a time of exactly 45 minutes. Solve the riddle in 10 minutes.
Transfer a pile of 15 numbered discs from square A to square F on a board with 6 squares in minimum moves. Ensure: A disc can't be on a lower numbered disc.
Half a poodle riddle: Once from her latest litter of French poodles, Sonia sold half of the litter and half a poodle to the local pet on...
A milkman has to deliver 1 quart of milk each to a 4 pint and a 5 pint jug from his two 10 gallon filled up milk cans. Time to solve 20 mins.
Peter and Paul are always lying and truth-telling twins. You ask one of them, "Is Paul the lying one?" And he answers, "Yes." Whom did you ask the question?
Airplane Riddle of Flying Around the World: One airport can be used by airplanes. An airplane carries enough fuel to fly halfway across the globe...
Repetition riddle: What is in 2012th position of PROBLEMSOLVINGPROBLEMSOLVING... continued indefinitely? To solve, don't count, find a rule in repetitions.