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Question sets and Solution sets for SSC CGL Tier II test. The solution sets provide conceptual analytical and quick solutions.


Guidelines, Question sets and Solution sets specially tailored for SSC CGL Tier II test. Students should refer to tutorials for the required base concepts and then only take the tests. The solution sets provide conceptual analytical efficient solutions. After taking a question set, Student need to go through the corresponding solution set with focused attention for effective and assured problem solving skill improvement.

7 steps to sure success in SSC CGL Tier 1 and Tier 2 competitive tests

7 steps to sure success in SSC CGL Tier1 and Tier2 competitive tests

Start preparation from zero point in concept layer and proceed to improve your ability to solve problems step by step. Never start preparation randomly from a higher level concept layer. This is the crux of the whole problem, as high speed problem solving in competitive tests heavily relies on total control on the basic concepts, be it maths, reasoning or English.


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