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Question sets and Solution sets for SSC CGL Tier II test. The solution sets provide conceptual analytical and quick solutions.


Guidelines, Question sets and Solution sets specially tailored for SSC CGL Tier II test. Students should refer to tutorials for the required base concepts and then only take the tests. The solution sets provide conceptual analytical efficient solutions. After taking a question set, Student need to go through the corresponding solution set with focused attention for effective and assured problem solving skill improvement.

Componendo dividendo uncovered to solve difficult Algebra problems quickly 5


Occasionally the distinctive expression appears in one of the expressions, but its inseparable pair, the fraction of the two variables, is not readily available in the problem statement. We say in these cases that componendo dividendo appears in partial form, and the problem is of hidden componendo dividendo type. We need to change the given expression to match the target expression in such cases...

How to solve Time and Work problems in simpler steps, type 2 brief


In 42 days 40 men complete a work. As it happened, instead of all of them working together to finish the job, they started working together, but at the end of every 10th day 5 men left. In how many days would then the work be completed? Rich time and work concept of Mandays technique along with natural number concepts deliver speedy solution...


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