SSC CGL level Solved Question Set 79 on simple and compound interest 2
10 Simple interest questions Compound interest questions to solve in 15 minutes. Verify correctness from answers. Learn to solve quickly from solutions.
Question sets and Solution sets on all topics for SSC CGL test. Quick concept based solutions embody systematic and quick problem solving in maths.
Solutions for the question sets form the most valuable component as each problem is solved in only a few steps by problem solving techniques.
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Can be used for other similar competitive exams as well.
10 Simple interest questions Compound interest questions to solve in 15 minutes. Verify correctness from answers. Learn to solve quickly from solutions.
Solve 10 mixture and alligation questions in SSC CGL Set 78, verify correctness from answers and finally learn how to solve quickly from solutions.
Learn SSC CGL surd algebra smart solution by repeated componendo dividendo trick. know how interaction of inverses further speeds up the solution.
In this fourth session on reasoning puzzles for Bank PO exams, the puzzle chosen is a floor stay puzzle that has fairly large number of conditions as well as is a three variable reasoning puzzle that is not easy. Majority of the basic and advanced patterns and methods for reasoning puzzle solving needed to be used for quick solution of this well-formed tricky problem...
Learn how to solve the 10 selected questions on geometry for SSC CGL Tier 2 set 15 in 15 minutes' time by geometry problem solving concepts and techniques.
10 geometry questions for SSC CGL Tier 2 Set 15 are on median ratio, rhombus, parallelogram, circles and more. Solve in 15 mins and verify from answers.
Go through the algebra solutions for SSC CGL Tier 2 Set 14 to learn how the 10 not so easy questions can be solved in scheduled 12 minutes' time.
Solve 10 Algebra questions with answers for SSC CGL Tier 2 Set 14 in 12 mins. Verify score from answers. Learn to solve quickly from paired solution set.
Quick solutions to trigonometry for SSC CGL Set 77: You will know how to solve tricky trigonometry questions easily by special problem solving techniques.
Trigonometry for SSC CGL Question Set 77: Solve 10 difficult trigonometry questions in 12 mins. Verify from answers. Learn to solve quick from solutions.