Solving the Sudoku level 2 game 9 in a natural quick way
Being experienced in solving Sudoku level 2 games, we'll solve this Sudoku level 2 game 9 using whichever method gives us immediate success with valid cell.
Having played enough number of games at the beginner level and at this second level we will now step over to the third level of Sudoku hardness from next game onward though the second level games also we might play time to time. The Sudoku level 3 games are of medium hardness and you will taste first time a bit tough to solve Sudoku games at the 3rd level Sudoku.
As usual we will play this game naturally using the techniques developed through playing the past games.
Usually we will still use row-column scan, but use of DSA is gaining favor as well as cycles. To know what a cycle or DSA is you may refer to our first and second game play sessions at level 2.
We will now go for game play without any more delay.
Solution to the Sudoku level 2 game 9
First valid cells, R6C4 2, scan R4,R5 -- R4C6 4 -- R5C8 9, scan R4,R6 -- R5C2 3 -- R4C2 8, scan C1, R6 -- R4C1 6, scan R6 -- R4C7 7, scan C7 DSA [5,7] in R4 -- R4C8 5 -- R9C9 5, scan C7, C8, R8 -- R8C1 1, DSA [1,3,5,7] in C1 -- R9C1 7, DSA [3,5,7] in C1 -- R1C1 3, DSA [3,5] in C1 -- R1C2 5 -- R3C4 5, scan C5,C6,R1 -- R3C8 4, scan R1,R2,C7 -- R1C4 7, scan C5, C6 -- R2C8 7, scan R1, C7, C9 -- R3C2 7, scan R1,R2,C3 7 over.
The results shown in the following game board. We will go over to next stage then.
This stage starts with, R6C8 3, DSA cancel -- R6C9 4, DSA cancel -- R2C3 9, DSA [1,2,6,9] in top left 9-cell large square -- R2C2 2, DSA [1,2,6] in top left 9-cell large square -- R1C6 9, scan R2,R3,C5 -- DSA [6,8] in R8C9 out of [3,6,8] in C9. This forms a cycle (6,8) in C9. To properly show the use of this cycle we will create a new stage.
The results are shown below.
We use now DSA and cycles extensively, R2C9 3, cycle in C9 -- R3C7 2, DSA cancel -- R8C7 9, DSA cancel -- R7C7 3 -- DSA [6,8] in R1C8 forming a cycle (6,8) in R1 -- R1C2 1, cycle in R1, DSA [1,2] in R1 -- R3C3 6 -- R1C5 2, cycle in R1 -- R2C6 8 -- R3C6 3, DSA [1,3] in R3 -- R3C5 1 -- R6C2 5, DSA [1,5] in R6 -- R6C3 1 -- R7C3 5 -- R9C5 3, DSA [3,8] in C5 -- R7C5 8 -- R7C6 6, DSA [2,6] in C6 -- R9C6 2.
Then the last steps, R7C8 1, DSA [1,2,6,8] in C8 -- R9C8 6, DSA [2,6,8] in C8 -- R8C9 8, DSA cancel -- R1C9 6 -- R1C8 8 -- R8C8 2 -- R8C2 6, scan R7,R9 -- R8C4 4 -- R7C2 4, scan R9 -- R9C2 9 -- R9C4 1 -- R7C4 9. End. Game Solved.
A special note for you
We haven't tried to optimize. So we feel that this more complex game is solvable by following an easier path.
You should try to reach one of the simpler solutions.
Lastly, we leave two games for you to solve this time.
Two games for you to solve
We leave you here with two new games for you to solve, first one is the tenth game at second level hardness continuing this thread and the second one is the first game in the third level Sudoku hardness opening a new thread.
Tenth game of Sudoku level 2
First game at Sudoku level 3
Other Sudoku level 2 game plays
Sudoku 2nd level game play 9
First level and higher level Sudoku games
You will get links to all the 1st level game solutions at Sudoku level 1.
Links to higher level Sudoku games are available at the main Sudoku page.
It is recommended that without jumping over any of the hardness levels, one should progress through solving higher level Sudoku games strictly step by one step up. For example, you shouldn't play a 4th level Sudoku game without becoming comfortable in solving 3rd level games.