The view went on increasing its bounds. I could visualize in a few moments the heaps of houses in my crowded city, then the expanse of green countryside, on and on, up and away, the earth became a small spot in my viewscape...
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The view went on increasing its bounds. I could visualize in a few moments the heaps of houses in my crowded city, then the expanse of green countryside, on and on, up and away, the earth became a small spot in my viewscape...
I stopped short and looked into my mind. It was not a good sight. At best it was a tolerable chaos—boulders and potholes strewn around with a few pleasant oasis, green and cool, restoring overall peace. A noticeable path zigzagged all the way to horizon. It was not an arrow-straight metal road...
SOIL is the thin layer of earth's crust which serves as a natural medium for growth of plants. Soil is the birthplace for plants. And plants are essential for the life of all other life on earth including humans. Reasons are known even by children...