WBCS main arithmetic questions set 5 for practice
Solve 10 WBCS arithmetic practice questions of set 5 in 10 minutes. Verify results from answers. Suitable for similar PSC and other aptitude tests.
The solution set (linked at the end) explains how to solve the questions quickly in mind.
Answers are at the end.
WBCS arithmetic practice questions set 5: time to answer 10 mins
Problem 1
The product of two numbers is 1575 and their division is $\displaystyle\frac{7}{9}$. The two numbers then are,
- 45, 35
- 36, 35
- 35, 27
- 81, 63
Problem 2
Two pipes A and B can fill a cistern in 6 minutes and 7 minutes respectively. The two pipes are opened alternately for 1 minute each starting with pipe A. In what time will they fill the cistern?
- $1\displaystyle\frac{1}{4}$ minutes
- $6\displaystyle\frac{3}{7}$ minutes
- $5$ minutes
- $5\displaystyle\frac{2}{3}$ minutes
Problem 3
Value of $\sqrt{20+\sqrt{20+\sqrt{20+.........}}}$ is,
- 5
- 2
- 3
- -4
Problem 4
If $a:b=3:4$, then $(7a+3b):(7a-3b)$ is,
- 5 : 2
- 4 : 3
- 11 : 3
- 37 : 19
Problem 5
The value of $(997)^2+(998)^2+(999)^2 -$
$\hspace{30mm} 997\times{998} - 998\times{999}-999\times{997}$ is,
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 0
Problem 6
If the sides of a triangle are in the ratio $3:4:5$, the largest angle of the triangle is,
- $75^0$
- $90^0$
- $120^0$
- $50^0$
Problem 7
The largest possible length that can be used for measuring exactly the three lengths, 7m, 3m 85cm and 12m 95cm is,
- 25cm
- 15cm
- 42cm
- 35cm
Problem 8
Area of a square field is 6050 sq m. What is the length of the diagonal?
- 110m
- 120m
- 135m
- 112m
Problem 9
Value of $0.\overline{3}+0.\overline{4} +0.\overline{7}+0.\overline{8}$ is,
- $2.4$
- $2.\overline{4}$
- $2.44$
- $2.444$
Problem 10
40 men take 8 days to earn Rs.2000. How many men will earn Rs.200 in 2 days?
- 16
- 10
- 12
- 1
Related detailed solution set
Refer to the companion Solution to WBCS Math Question set for Arithmetic Practice 5 for detailed explanation of the concepts and quick methods of solution.
Answers to the WBCS arithmetic practice questions set 5
Problem 1. Answer: Option a: 45, 35.
Problem 2. Answer: Option b: $6\displaystyle\frac{3}{7}$ minutes.
Problem 3. Answer: Option a: 5.
Problem 4. Answer: Option c: $11:3$.
Problem 5. Answer: Option c: 3.
Problem 6. Answer: Option b: $90^0$.
Problem 7. Answer: Option: d: 35cm.
Problem 8. Answer: Option a: 110m.
Problem 9. Answer: Option b: $2.\overline{4}$.
Problem 10. Answer: Option: a: 16.
Question and Solution sets on WBCS Arithmetic
For all WBCS main arithmetic question sets click here.
For all WBCS main arithmetic solution sets click here.