Exercise book of real life problem solving is the book of life itself
In academic life we used problem and exercise books. But, for real life, the book of real life problems is the book of life itself.
In academic life we used problem and exercise books. But, for real life, the book of real life problems is the book of life itself.
Personal problem solving rules are great aids in quick and assured real-life problem solving. In our routine decision making we use many generally known problem solving rules. But in some special occasions you solve a particularly difficult problem by analyzing and forming a special personal problem solving rule...
Highly efficient problem solving special rules are created from successful problem solving experiences.
During our lives we create useful rules that we have found to work well for us. Some of these rules are known to most people around, but when we believe in such a rule, we own it for personal use more effectively...
Types of problems in life are not endless for you as an individual. Possible Personal life problems classified with examples and possible solutions.
Usually we take the first decision on the first event we see, then take the next and so on. But, working backwards technique often solves a problem quickly.
Patterns form the basis of comprehension and action for all living things in nature. Patterns are all around us - from human fingerprints, zebra crossings, warm current flows in oceans to the beautiful arrangement of a rose bud. A baby starts to recognize the objects around it, learns how to react on events or how to speak - all by identifying patterns. As we grow up, pattern recognition and its use remains to be one of the most valuable components in our problem solving ability set...