Global Warming and Unaffected Day and Night under the Sun's Gaze
Despite Global warming and Climate disorder caused by us, the Sun is beyond our reach. Human actions could not affect Earth's day and night pattern ever.
Despite Global warming and Climate disorder caused by us, the Sun is beyond our reach. Human actions could not affect Earth's day and night pattern ever.
Universal Basic Income or UBS is a concept and movement to stem the accelerated inequality, job loss, economic collapse and many other global threats.
Some rules we know are written (Seats for Senior Citizens). Some are laws. But many are unwritten. The unwritten rules help to create positive effect.
Truths, half-truths and lies in various shades fill our lives. There is but only one absolute truth, a human body once born must die.
মানুষের জ্ঞানের দেবী সরস্বতী। সকলের মনের মধ্যেই তিনি আছেন। দেবীমূর্তিকে যখন নমস্কার করে অঞ্জলির ফুল ছুঁড়বে, সে ফুল পড়বে মনের মধ্যে ঘুমিয়ে থাকা দেবির পায়ে।
Noon passed. I finished part of my work after lunch and looked up. What happened? Already day end? All my windows were open and the light gradually dimmed while I worked, I didn't notice. How long am I working?...
Personal problem solving rules are great aids in quick and assured real-life problem solving. In our routine decision making we use many generally known problem solving rules. But in some special occasions you solve a particularly difficult problem by analyzing and forming a special personal problem solving rule...
Highly efficient problem solving special rules are created from successful problem solving experiences.
During our lives we create useful rules that we have found to work well for us. Some of these rules are known to most people around, but when we believe in such a rule, we own it for personal use more effectively...