Surds decimals and fractions questions practice set for Competitive exams SSC CGL
10 surds decimals and fractions questions for competitive exams SSC CGL with answers. Take the timed test, verify from answers and learn from solutions.
It's a mixed set of questions on surds, fractions, and decimals including decimal bars that will challenge you.
For best results try to complete the test in 12 minutes' time, score your efforts on the scoring rule of correct answer 1 and incorrect negative 0.5 and learn how to solve the questions quickly from the paired solution set.
Important: if you take the test you must go through the solutions carefully.
Answers and link to the solutions are at the end.
Time to set your timer on and start.
10 Surds decimals and fractions questions for SSC CGL Set 17 - time 12 mins
How much more is $\sqrt{12} + \sqrt{18}$ compared to $\sqrt{3} + \sqrt{2}$?
- $\sqrt{3} + 2\sqrt{2}$
- $2(\sqrt{3} - \sqrt{2})$
- $\sqrt{2} - 4\sqrt{3}$
- $2(\sqrt{3} + \sqrt{2})$
The value of $\displaystyle\frac{1}{30} + \displaystyle\frac{1}{42} + \displaystyle\frac{1}{56} + \displaystyle\frac{1}{72} + \displaystyle\frac{1}{90} + \displaystyle\frac{1}{110}$ is,
- $\displaystyle\frac{1}{9}$
- $\sqrt{2}\displaystyle\frac{2}{27}$
- $\displaystyle\frac{6}{55}$
- $\displaystyle\frac{5}{27}$
$3.\overline{36} - 2.\overline{05} + 1.\overline{33}$ equals,
- $2.64$
- $2.\overline{64}$
- $2.60$
- $2.\overline{61}$
$\displaystyle\frac{1\displaystyle\frac{1}{4} \div{1\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}}}{\displaystyle\frac{1}{15} + 1 -\displaystyle\frac{9}{10}}$ is equal to,
- $5$
- $6$
- $3$
- $\displaystyle\frac{2}{5}$
$\displaystyle\frac{1}{3 - \sqrt{8}} - \displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{8} - \sqrt{7}} + \displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{7} - \sqrt{6}}$
$\hspace{10mm}- \displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{6} - \sqrt{5}} + \displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{5} - 2} =$
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
$(159\times{21} + 53\times{87} + 25\times{106})$ equals
- 16000
- 1060
- 60100
- 10600
$\displaystyle\frac{0.8\overline{3} \div{7.5}}{2.3\overline{21} - 0.0\overline{98}}$ equals
- 0.1
- 0.6
- 0.05
- 0.06
The value of $(\sqrt{72} - \sqrt{18}) \div{\sqrt{12}}$ is,
- $\displaystyle\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$
- $\displaystyle\frac{\sqrt{6}}{2}$
- $\displaystyle\frac{\sqrt{2}}{3}$
- $\sqrt{6}$
The value of $\sqrt{900} + \sqrt{0.09} - \sqrt{0.000009}$ is,
- 30.27
- 30.097
- 30.197
- 30.297
The value of $(3 + \sqrt{8}) + \displaystyle\frac{1}{3 - \sqrt{8}} - (6 + 4\sqrt{2})$ is,
- $0$
- $1$
- $8$
- $\sqrt{2}$
Answers to the 10 Surds decimals and fractions questions for SSC CGL Set 17
Q1. Answer: Option a: $\sqrt{3} + 2\sqrt{2}$.
Q2. Answer: Option a : $\displaystyle\frac{6}{55}$.
Q3. Answer: Option b: $2.\overline{64}$.
Q4. Answer: Option a: $5$.
Q5. Answer: Option d: 5.
Q6. Answer: Option d : 10600.
Q7. Answer: Option c: 0.05.
Q8. Answer: Option b: $\displaystyle\frac{\sqrt{6}}{2}$.
Q9. Answer: Option d: 30.297.
Q10. Answer: Option a: 0.
Learn how to solve these questions quickly using basic concepts and problem solving techniques from the paired solution set,
SSC CGL Solution set 17 on Surds Decimals Fractions.
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