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NYTimes Hard Sudoku 16th May 2024: One Step Solution

NYT Hard Sudoku 16th May 2024: One Step Solution

Solve the 16th May NYT hard Sudoku at one step. Need hard to spot most important breakthrough very early to open up the otherwise locked up game.

NYT Hard Sudoku 16th May 2024

NYT Hard Sudoku 16th May 2024: One Step Solution

Hidden single R9C1 2, R2C1 8, naked single R5C1 9.

Hard to spot most important breakthrough: Cycle (1,3,5) in C7 by parallel scan for [4,7,9] in R7C7, R6C7, R5C7.

Results: hidden singles R9C9 3, R7C8 3, R2C9 2. This breakthrough opens up the game from an otherwise intractable situation.

Naked singles R1C9 4, R1C7 7, R2C7 9, R9C7 4, R1C5 5, R1C1 6, R1C2 3.

R3C1 7 by parallel scan for 7 on C1, naked single R6C1 4, R2C2 4.

Cycle (5,9) and (1,2,4) in R3 and (3,7) in R2.

Naked singles R5C2 1, R4C2 6.

R9C3 9 by parallel scan for 9 on R9, naked singles R3C3 5, R3C2 9.

Naked single by parallel scan for 6 on R9: R9C4 6.

Naked singles R9C5 1, R9C6 5, hidden single R8C3 6.

X wing on 7 in R2C4, R2C6 and R6C4, R6C6: Critical breakthrough R7C5 7.

All the rest will fall down like a house of cards. Start with R7C6 8.

Solution will be a formality. Will be show later.

Now, the intermediate results for better understanding.

NYT Hard Sudoku 16th May 2024: One Step Solution: Intermediate stage

NYT Hard Sudoku 16th May 2024: One Step Solution: Intermediate stage

NYT Hard Sudoku 16th May 2024: One Step Solution: Final stage

Start with R7C6 8.

NYT Hard Sudoku 16th May 2024: One Step Solution

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