Move 2 Matches to Make 3 Triangles Matchstick Puzzle
In puzzle figure, move 2 matches to make 3 triangles with no match unattached to any triangle. Solve in 5 minutes. Learn how to solve easily from solution.
For each one, first the puzzle is posed for you to solve within a recommended time. A detailed systematic solution then follows.
Matchstick puzzles, riddles, math puzzles, logic puzzles, river crossing puzzles, ball weighing puzzles are some of the categories.
The full list of all brain teasers with solutions is available in the link,
Challenging brain teasers with solutions: Long list.
This will always be the most up-to-date list with the brain teasers classified into categories that can be browsed separately.
In puzzle figure, move 2 matches to make 3 triangles with no match unattached to any triangle. Solve in 5 minutes. Learn how to solve easily from solution.
Move 2 to form 11 squares is a tricky matchstick puzzle to solve in 5 minutes. Give it a try and then learn problem solving in puzzles from the solution.
Change money math puzzle: Find three money amounts all made up of same three digits and sum of two amounts equal to the third amount. Time to solve 15 mins.
Solve matchstick puzzle move 4 to make 10 squares in 5 mins. Each matchstick must be attached to a square in the solution figure. Think systematically.
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Knight and Calculator Keypad Riddle: Find valid 10 digit numbers by the knight moves on calculator keypad. Visit every digit once only. Solve in 15 mins.
Four hunters bagged four animals each with a point score. Total 18 points scored and you are given clues to find number of animals bagged. Time 15 mins.
If I deal some cards among four, three cards remain. If I deal among three, two remain and if I deal among five, two cards remain. How many cards are there?
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