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Exam guidelines, Questions and Solutions for important competitive exams SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Bank PO. A common section Efficient math problem solving.

This section has the largest volume of valuable content for students in competitive tests.

UGC/CSIR Net level Maths Question Set 3


UGC conducts Jointly with CSIR, the Net exam twice a year for PhD and Lecturership aspirants. For science subjects such as Life Science, Chemical Science etc, the question paper is divided into three parts - Part A, B and C. Part A is on Maths related topics and contains 20 questions any 15 of which have to be answered. The other two parts are on the specific subject chosen by the student. This is the third question set of 15 questions. This must be answered first before referring to its corresponding solution set...

7 steps to sure success in SSC CGL Tier 1 and Tier 2 competitive tests

7 steps to sure success in SSC CGL Tier1 and Tier2 competitive tests

Start preparation from zero point in concept layer and proceed to improve your ability to solve problems step by step. Never start preparation randomly from a higher level concept layer. This is the crux of the whole problem, as high speed problem solving in competitive tests heavily relies on total control on the basic concepts, be it maths, reasoning or English.

UGC/CSIR Net level Maths Solution set 2


UGC conducts Jointly with CSIR, the Net exam twice a year for PhD and Lecturership aspirants. For science subjects such as Life Science, Chemical Science etc, the question paper is divided into three parts - Part A, B and C. Part A is on Maths related topics and contains 20 questions any 15 of which have to be answered. The other two parts are on the specific subject chosen by the student. This is the second solution set...

UGC/CSIR Net level Maths Question set 2


UGC conducts Jointly with CSIR, the Net exam twice a year for PhD and Lecturership aspirants. For science subjects such as Life Science, Chemical Science etc, the question paper is divided into three parts - Part A, B and C. Part A is on Maths related topics and contains 20 questions any 15 of which have to be answered. The other two parts are on the specific subject chosen by the student. This is the second question set...

UGC/CSIR Net level Maths Solution set 1


UGC conducts Jointly with CSIR, the Net exam twice a year for PhD and Lecturership aspirants. For science subjects such as Life Science, Chemical Science etc, the question paper is divided into three parts - Part A, B and C. Part A is on Maths related topics and contains 20 questions any 15 of which have to be answered. The other two parts are on the specific subject chosen by the student. This is the first solution set of 20 Net level questions...

UGC/CSIR Net level Maths Question set 1


UGC conducts Jointly with CSIR, the Net exam twice a year for PhD and Lecturership aspirants. For science subjects such as Life Science, Chemical Science etc, the question paper is divided into three parts - Part A, B and C. Part A is on Maths related topics and contains 20 questions any 15 of which have to be answered. The other two parts are on the specific subject chosen by the student. This is the first set of 20 Net level questions...


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