My Quest: Pristine Darkness
My quest: Pristine Darkness. Flawless darkness? Pristine darkness? Yes, it is the peaceful darkness where reigns selfless compassion and togetherness.
Explorations in nature, trends, environmental degradation and other important issues
My quest: Pristine Darkness. Flawless darkness? Pristine darkness? Yes, it is the peaceful darkness where reigns selfless compassion and togetherness.
আমার এই খোঁজ: নির্মল আঁধার। কালিমামুক্ত আঁধার হয়? নির্মল আঁধার? এ সেই আঁধার যেথা বিরাজ করে শান্তি, পরস্পরের প্রতি নির্লোভ সহমর্মিতা, হাতে হাত রেখে চলা।
Among all human pleasures, food pleasures rank high and in it, pleasures of eating an ice-cream always take an honorable place with its smooth creamy taste.
I first heard about AI when the eighties in the bygone century started with a bang caused by the Japanese 10 year project plan of AI. Today, AI is with us.
Better performance hinges on managing pride and arrogance. And, embracing humility keeps pride in check, leading to success and stronger relationships.
The Sage Advise: Kill all our vices—pride, greed, anger, and more—before they destroy us. But, are vices always bad, or do they serve a deeper purpose?
Despite Global warming and Climate disorder caused by us, the Sun is beyond our reach. Human actions could not affect Earth's day and night pattern ever.
ফেব্রুয়ারির গরম যাই হোক, সূর্য নিজের নিয়মে চলছে। দিন রাত আনা সে নিজের ছন্দেই করছে, আমরা অতিক্ষুদ্র মানুষেরা যা-ই করি না কেন, সে তার নিজের নিয়মেই চলবে।
This guide takes you through how to collect Mahua seeds from healthy trees, selection of and preservation of seeds for best germination and growth results.
For successful forest farming in arid regions, learn Mahua seed collection and germination to healthy tree growth which supports local communities as well.