SSC CGL level Solution Set 17, Fractions Decimals and Surds
Learn how to solve quickly SSC CGL quantitative aptitude decimals fraction surds questions in solution set 17. It includes decimal bar and other techniques.
Question sets and Solution sets on all topics for SSC CGL test. Quick concept based solutions embody systematic and quick problem solving in maths.
Solutions for the question sets form the most valuable component as each problem is solved in only a few steps by problem solving techniques.
Extensive and complete coverage. Largest component of the website.
Can be used for other similar competitive exams as well.
Learn how to solve quickly SSC CGL quantitative aptitude decimals fraction surds questions in solution set 17. It includes decimal bar and other techniques.
10 surds decimals and fractions questions for competitive exams SSC CGL with answers. Take the timed test, verify from answers and learn from solutions.
Fractions decimals basic concepts, arithmetic operations on fractions, conversion of fraction to decimal, rational irrational numbers, surds and more.
Algebraic rich concepts and techniques along with general problem solving strategies enable elegant solution to difficult SSL CGL Algebra problem in this ninth session of algebra problem solving in a few simple steps. This approach in most cases results in a significantly simpler solution compared to conventional approach...
Algebraic rich concepts and techniques along with general problem solving strategies enable elegant solutions to difficult SSL CGL Algebra problems in this eighth session of algebra problem solving in a few simple steps. This approach in most cases results in a significantly simpler solution compared to conventional approach...
The problems in this seventh session of algebra in a few simple steps have ample scope for applying problem solving techniques and basic and rich algebra concepts to solve the problems much faster than conventional methods. This approach should not only help SSC CGL aspirants, but should also give valuable fresh ideas of elegant problem solving to school students. Additionally, Many ways technique for improving problem solving skills is explained through a suitable example...
Learn how to solve trigonometry questions quickly from trigonometry questions for SSC CGL with solution Set 2. Take the test before going through solution.
Solve 10 trigonometry questions for SSC CGL Set 2 in 12 minutes. Verify your answers. Learn how to solve the question in time from paired solution set.
Learn to solve number system questions for SSC CGL on division concepts, unit digit of large powers, HCF, Place value and more. But first take the test.
10 questions on number system for SSC CGL to be answered in 12 mins. Take the timed test. Verify from answers. Learn how to solve quickly from solutions.